3D Art & Product Design
44Artboard 4.png

CVSan Iconography

44Artboard 4.png

An Icon for Every Occasion!

Iconography, illustration, branding • 2019

Castro Valley Sanitary District (CVSan) is a local, small public agency in charge of wastewater services and zero waste for the city of Castro Valley. As their graphic designer, I took on the opportunities to create a few key brand assets, including an iconography library.

Castro Valley Sanitary District CVSan Nicole Garcia Iconography Icon Design

Design Concept

The icons were fully custom and designed not only to reflect CVSan’s unique programs, but also their culture and philosophy toward their work. They have a fun, innovative culture as a government agency, and stewardship of the environment is one of their top priorities. No day is really the same around here; I wanted the icons to reflect that!

Design-wise, the icons were created to perform well in a variety of contexts, both at a small scale such as when used on web pages and at a larger scale when used as a spot illustration.




The icons, when applied in marketing materials, serve as a keen interpretation of the different activities of the agency. Plus, they infuse a bit of personality into these materials.

Castro Valley Sanitary District CVSan Graphic Design Nicole Garcia Icons